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Dear Cavaliers,

The Golden Year has finally arrived. This school year, 2023-24, is East Burke’s 50th year, and there are some celebrations planned to mark the event.

First will be the 50th homecoming celebration on September 29.

Those of you from the early years may remember that we called the first celebration Cavalier Day and crowned Connie Isenhour as Miss Cavalier. She was and is and always will be a queen and will join approximately 40 other past queens at 7 pm on homecoming night to be recognized. We hope you will join us early that evening to see the former queens.

If you played football at East Burke, join other former players in the end zone to cheer the current Wild Bunch as they take the field. If you know anyone who played football, please let them know that they should come join in!

Past cheerleaders can come cheer as well. They can contact Sabrina Baker, EB cheerleader coach, on Facebook for more information.

Band members are invited to sit with the band. If you have an instrument, bring it and play along. It will be a great night!

The photos here are extra special. One is of 21 of the past 24 queens who returned in 1998 to celebrate the 25th homecoming.

The other three are of the same four men. The oldest photo was in The News Herald on August 30, 1974, the day of the first Cavalier football game. It shows four students coming together from four high schools to join forces as the East Burke Cavaliers. Left to right is Roger Martin from Hildebran, Rick Hyde from Valdese, Tim Clay from George Hildebrand, and Bill Boughman from Drexel.

During the 1998 season, these four men came together again for another photo. They aren’t standing in the same order, but they are joined in memories of that first season.

On September 15, 2023, the four reunited once again to produce the third photo. Cavaliers are special. These photos show Cavalier Pride and Cavalier Spirit. It shows that we are a family, a community. Once a Cavalier, always a Cavalier.

(Click On Any Photo Above To View A Larger Image)

The original Wild Bunch is still going strong!

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